
I Will Show You All That I Have Mastered Fear Pain Hatred Power This Is the Art of Ruin

These ultimate bosses have the fight off the streets for the ultimate kombat!


Akuma VS Shao Kahn is the 152nd episode of Death Battle, featuring Akuma from the Street Fighter series and Shao Kahn from the Mortal Kombat series in a boxing between monstrous soul-destroying fighting game bosses. Akuma was voiced by Phillip Sacramento and Shao Kahn was voiced by Gianni Matragrano.


  • 1 Interlude
  • 2 Akuma
  • 3 Shao Kahn
  • 4 Death Battle
  • five Results
  • vi Original Runway
  • seven Trivia
    • 7.1 Production
    • 7.2 Easter Eggs
    • 7.3 Errors
    • 7.four Other


Wiz: Akuma, Street Fighter'southward supreme principal of the fist.

Boomstick: Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Mortal Kombat.

Wiz: Today, we'll find out which concluding dominate reigns supreme.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to clarify their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Boxing.


Akuma'southward signature kanji "天" is shown onscreen.

Wiz: This is the Japanese kanji for "sky", symbolic of the infinite heaven higher up and the one who stands before it.

Boomstick: And the last thing you lot'll always see when you encounter Akuma.

Wiz: Trained by Master Goutetsu at an early historic period, Akuma was practically built-in into the ways of fighting. He and his blood brother, Gouken, were taught the form of Ansatsuken, literally meaning "The Assassination Fist".

Boomstick: Y'know how everybody says martial arts are all nigh meditation and being zen and all that other tiresome shit? Well, Ansatsuken ain't like the other guys. It combines Judo, Kenpō, and Karate into a unique style that's all about murdering your opponent as fast as possible. Hell, yeah!

Wiz: Unfortunately, the brothers' views on their training greatly differed. Gouken rejected the fierce methodology of the Ansatsuken, leaving to develop his own, less lethal variant of the course.

Boomstick: 'Cause a mode chosen "Assassination Fist" clearly needed less assassination. Guh... Good matter Akuma was all nigh the existent deal. He got so hardcore, he started preparation to embrace the biggest martial arts hole-and-corner out there.

Wiz: The Satsui no Hado. Ever nowadays, ever malicious, this is a manifestation of literal killing intent. Only Goutetsu had ever mastered this dark power.

Boomstick: So, it'due south like the nighttime side of The Force, but with karate?

Wiz: No, but, certain. With the Satsui no Hado, Akuma gained great power, at the toll of all compassion. This is the power of monsters.

Boomstick: More like winners! Akuma got and so proficient, he challenged his master and killed him, Sith fashion. With his ex-master's beads around his neck, he declared himself the new main of the Satsui no Hado.

Wiz: Obviously, this destroyed his relationship with Gouken. The two brothers' destinies, allow lonely ideologies, were irreparably torn autonomously.

Boomstick: But who cares, when Akuma'due south perfected all the abilities of an overpowered shoto grapheme, and and so some? He can rain downward Gohadokens, teleport with the Ashura Senku, and take y'all for a whirl with the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku.

Wiz: And if Akuma always wants to have things upwardly a notch, he can summon forth the Kongou Kokuretsuzan, a geyser of pure energy stiff plenty to sink an isle.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Wiz: With all this power, Akuma is among the toughest Street Fighters out there.

Boomstick: Which says a lot when Hakan could lube himself upwards with enough oil to, get this, launch E. Honda into orbit to headbutt a giant meteor into smithereens! Welp, there's only one fashion to figure out the TNT of that...

He takes out a full bucket labeled LUBE.

Boomstick: I've got the oil, Wiz! Get ready to launch!

Wiz: Oh! Uh, that's okay, I've already done the math, it's over 500 trillion tons...

Boomstick: Oh... tin can we still practice it, though?

Wiz: (sighs) Fine....

Boomstick: Merely did you know Akuma'due south also traded blows with some of the folks from Final Fight? I guess they're Street Fighters, too. And the Macho Mayor Mike Haggar can piledrive people so hard, it makes an explosion you can see from infinite!

Wiz: Comparing the blast'southward size to Globe'due south diameter, this explosion must accept a yield of over 120 teratons of TNT.

Boomstick: That might seem nuts, but hey, Akuma's washed the same kinda thing. No wonder the just guys who can match him are badasses like Gouken.

Wiz: Akuma would challenge Gouken again and once again, determined to bear witness his version of the Ansatsuken was superior. And, apparently, he was right, as he defeated Gouken with his signature technique, the Shun Goku Satsu.

Boomstick: AKA, the Raging Demon!

Wiz: With this, Akuma gives in to his killing intent, targeting a person'due south soul and killing their spirit with the weight of their sins. There's merely one known style to survive it: emptying your ain soul from your body. Fortunately, Gouken knew exactly how to practise that.

Boomstick: Speakin' of souls, this guy Necalli in one case tried to take Akuma's by devouring him. But, not bein' into vore, Akuma simply blew him up instead. He'due south and then powerful, defeating an opponent takes less effort than smackin' a baby. North-Non that Akuma would ever do that. No, I'one thousand serious, he-he never would, because despite the whole "zero compassion" matter, he has a weird code of accolade.

Wiz: It's not compassion at all. To Akuma, fighting is a sort of religion, and respecting the art is more than important than anything. He'll spare those with an unfair disadvantage, and those whom he deems respects martial arts like him and can amend. In this way, he sort of became an unwanted mentor for Gouken's educatee, Ryu.

Boomstick: Hey, he'south not a total killjoy. He did befriend Elena! Well, more similar Elena befriended him, but whatsoever.

Wiz: But should you disrespect the art of fighting, Akuma will non hesitate to murder you equally disrespectfully as possible.

Boomstick: Similar when he jumped that a-hole Chiliad. Bison then fast, he killed him in one shot! And Bison was quick enough to tag this satelite laser beam!

Wiz: Following the beam's speed at this angle, we can decide information technology was moving well over 5,000 times the speed of sound.

Boomstick: Simply fifty-fifty with all that ability, Akuma knew he'd never be at his best until he'd mastered the Satsui no Hado, and become Akuma Blanco! Er, I mean, Shin Akuma!

Wiz: As Shin Akuma, he possesses full command over the dark art, using information technology to its fullest extent.

Boomstick: Only Goutetsu had e'er mastered the Hado like this, considering doing it is non just super hard, simply super dangerous.

Wiz: Right, the Satsui no Hado isn't but a grade of energy. It is a sentient entity, striving to push those who connect with information technology to fully commit to their rage, for when they do, they are no longer themselves. They become the Satsui no Hado itself.

Boomstick: Yeah, like when it tried to take over Ryu, and manifested every bit its ain evil person, Kage. Akuma truly believes the Hado is his all-time hazard at condign the ultimate earth warrior, but he too knows that if he'south not careful, he could lose himself to information technology.

Wiz: And when he does, the Hado will accept his body, and become the awesome, demonic Oni.

Boomstick: Oh-ho, he's super powerful. Oni's got all sorts of new moves, and can easily overpower pretty much whatever other Street Fighter.

Wiz: In Japanese folklore, Oni are Yōkai, or demons that spawn from the souls of the wicked upon death. However, in some legends, the most evil of humans can really transform while still alive. Such as Shuten-dōji, a drunken monk who gave into malice, became an Oni, and was and then powerful, he could non dice, even later on he was decapitated.

Boomstick: Non and then dissimilar from this big bad blue boy. But hey, Akuma hasn't lost himself to the dark side of the Hado yet. The dude's carve up apart mountains, taken a leisurely trip to the bottom of the ocean, and literally leaped into the state in a higher place the clouds! He just jumped, and he was there! Forget standing earlier sky, this dude straight upward flies to a higher place it!

Wiz: Akuma's lust for boxing will probable never exist sated, but his chosen path has been set. He will either be the world'southward deadliest human being, or its bleakest failure. Until then, he will never stop searching for a foe who can challenge the might of his Satsui no Hado.

Akuma is shown performing the Raging Demon technique on Ryu, a KO sign appearing afterward.

Shao Kahn

Wiz: The realm of Outworld is a twisted, barren wasteland where merely the potent survive.

Boomstick: Definitely at the bottom of my list of places to go when I retire, and it's all cheers to the tyrannical ruler, Shao Kahn!

Wiz: Thousands of years ago, Shao Kahn was an advisor to the Dragon King, Onaga.

Boomstick: Until Onaga took a permanent nap, when Kahn poisoned him and claimed the throne all his ain. At present that's what I call climbin' the political ladder!

Wiz: With an ground forces of demonic Tarkatans and four-armed Shokans at his beck and call, Shao Kahn began conquering and merging other realms with Outworld, including the once idyllic paradise of Edenia.

Boomstick: After which, he hooked upwardly with Edenia'south queen, Sindel. But his conquest didn't just win him a traitorous MILF. The crafty bastard also picked up a ton of awesome powers!

Wiz: Kahn is a deceptive leader, who isn't afraid to resort to, quite frankly, dickish methods to accomplish his devious goals.

Boomstick: He's basically a wrestling heel in the course of an otherwordly invader, right down to dressin' similar a male stripper!

Wiz: And despite living on a completely dissimilar plane of existence, he'south somehow mastered two Chinese martial arts: Tai Tzu and Lui He. Both of which prioritize fast and aggressive strikes to overwhelm opponents.

Boomstick: But Kahn's existent bread and butter is his mastery of magic. He can shoot fireballs, create portals, brand you his telekinetic yo-yo, bounce projectiles back to sender, and conjure his signature hammer whenever he wants.

Wiz: With his Wrath Hammer, Kahn can crush even the strongest combatants...

Boomstick: With a K!

Wiz: pieces with his barbarous Fatalities. But perchance his almost iconic ability is taking souls.

Boomstick: With just a moving ridge of his manus, he tin can dine on some fine soul food, courtesy of whatever sap crossed his path.

Wiz: Kahn went far with these abilities, and it wasn't long before his conquering center caught sight of a footling planet called Earthrealm.

Boomstick: But first, his forces had to rack up enough wins in... get the music, Wiz...

Wiz: Uh, we don't have the licensing rights.


He hums the song.

Boomstick: I'mma terminate there, so we don't go sued.

Wiz: Outworld almost had the 10 consecutive wins needed to merge with Earth.

Boomstick: But the goody-2-shoes monk, Liu Kang, just had to ruin information technology all. Only Kahn but said "Uh, screw it!", and invaded Earth anyhow.

Wiz: The moment Kahn fix human foot on Earth, he stole the souls of nearly every human beingness on the planet.

Boomstick: Then physically merged Earthrealm and Outworld into i big melting pot of conquest.

Wiz: The verbal pregnant of "merging realms" is a little vague, but from Mortal Kombat iii's intro, we exercise know that it transforms the planet into part of Outworld itself. Simply even when he'due south not literally folding worlds together, Kahn is always a threat to behold, far superior to about of the other Kombatants.

Boomstick: He'due south a cocky asshole, but damn, he certain knows how to get stuff done!

Wiz: He'south one-shotted Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, survived beingness impaled, broke Kotal Kahn'southward back, and has consistently surpassed the likes of the Thunder God, Raiden.

Boomstick: Who, bein' all thundery, is as fast as lightning. Kahn could fifty-fifty concur his own when Raiden held the ability of all the Elder Gods.

Wiz: For context, the Elderberry Goddess Cetrion can grow as large as a planet and fire this hyper-fast laser, which, comparing its speed to the curvature of the Globe, tin can smite mortals at two% the speed of calorie-free.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: Boy, you know you're a large shot when actual gods retrieve yous're a pain. Await at him go!

Wiz: Don't mistake "powerful" with "invincible". Kahn's might is only matched by his airs.

Boomstick: Yeah, he really does honey to hear himself talk, fifty-fifty when information technology leaves him totally open up. I guess he doesn't "Kahn"-sider the "Kahn"-siquences of his "Kahn"-stant taunting.

Shao Khan: Is that your all-time?

Boomstick: I-I thought it was funny.

Shao Khan: You suck.

Wiz: Uh, moving on. Fifty-fifty if it can get the meliorate of him, Kahn has proven his airs isn't completely unfounded. Subsequently ages of conflict, all of the Kombatants fought in a last disharmonism of good versus evil.

Boomstick: And Kahn emerged as the last man standing.

Wiz: Information technology was at that place that he defeated Bonfire, an all-powerful elemental who threatened every realm in beingness.

Boomstick: Luckily for the good guys, Raiden had a way to basically go back in fourth dimension and endeavour to finish Kahn from winning in the showtime identify. That's right, Kahn was such a large threat, the only style to shell him was a complete do-over!

Wiz: And even with that victory now a not-real memory, Shao Kahn will never relent. Even expiry has never stopped this Konqueror from his ultimate quest to rule everything.

Shao Kahn: I am Kahn of Outworld. Vacate my throne. Or I'll soak these sands with your blood!

The oversupply behind him cheers equally he summons his Wrath Hammer.

Death Boxing

Akuma: Die 1 thousand deaths!

Repeated flashes of purple appear in the darkness, before the familiar brilliant-red "Heaven" kanji pops up. Equally the darkness fades and the desert wastes of Outworld come into view, we see that the Main of the Fist, Akuma, has executed his Raging Demon on some unfortunate Kombatant, now lying in a smoking skeleton at his anxiety. Sitting on his throne, the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn, is unamused by Akuma's intrusion. He stands up and strides over to glare down at the Earthrealmer, who shows no fearfulness towards him.

Shao Kahn: You lot dare interrupt my tournament? Another fool seeking my throne?

Akuma: I only seek your life!

Akuma breaks the staredown by throwing a right hook that knocks the Emperor back. He delivers a cursory combo of punches, only as he tries to continue, Kahn manages to arrive a punch of his ain that throws Akuma off. He follows with a front kick towards his opponent's breast, before closing the distance and throwing two punches that ends with him shoulder charging Akuma away.

The Street Fighter recovers from the blows and jumps into the air earlier attempting a diving kick on the Mortal Kombatant, who repels it before punching him through the air towards a pillar. Before he tin impact, Akuma flips and uses the pillar to boost himself into the heaven once more, launching an aerial Gohadoken at his enemy.

Akuma: Gohadoken!

Kahn catches the projectile in his right manus before dissipating information technology. Glowing green, he calls upon his own magic from his left manus, grabbing Akuma with telekinesis. He yanks Akuma towards him before summoning his Wrath Hammer and delivering a swing that knocks him away. Kahn isn't done yet though, pulling Akuma towards him twice more before knocking him back with thunderous swings both times.

Shao Kahn: Yous will die!

As the Emperor pulls his foe towards him once more, the Satsui no Hado practitioner wises upwardly and uses the Ashura Senku to teleport backside him.

Akuma: Decease is beneath me!

Akuma delivers a sweep kick to stumble and lands a combo of several punches and a knee to his opponent's chest, before catastrophe with an uppercut that knocks Kahn into the air. As the Kombatant falls, Akuma charges upwards a powerful Shinku Hadoken.

Akuma: SUFFER!

He releases the projectile and blasts the Outworld emperor away. The dust clears as Shao Kahn gets to his anxiety. Growling in badgerer, he swings his Hammer at Akuma continuing next to him. Akuma dodges the outset swing by dashing abroad, earlier evading yet another by jumping, causing Kahn'south errant swing to destroy one of the pillars. As Akuma lands, the Konquerer swings at him twice more earlier finally landing a krushing blow to Akuma'south left side that knocks him farther into the desert. Kahn mocks his opponent's efforts...

Shao Kahn: Is that your best? Weak, pathetic, foo-

...before beingness interrupted by a rejuvenated Akuma, now in his Shin Akuma state, landing a strong punch to his jaw. The martial artist tosses his opponent into the air, before jumping up and using one of the stone structures to effort a Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, which fails as the Kahn catches his foot. As the ii fighters plunge to the ground, Kahn takes advantage of his opponent's state to country a bone-crunching dorsum-breaker every bit they land.

Kahn tosses Akuma to the sand and while holding his limp opponent's arm, delivers a stomp that cracks the back of his skull. He then picks him up that aforementioned arm before delivering a headbutt that deals similar damage to his jaw. The blows seriously disorient Gouken's brother who is subjugated to Onaga'south treacherous advisor attempting to steal his soul.

Shao Kahn: Your soul is mine.

Akuma growls with hatred as he taps into the deepest depths of the Satsui no Hado's power.

Akuma: No... The Satsui no Hado... IS MINE!

Infuriated past his opponent's lack of honor or respect for fighting, Akuma forsakes his humanity. Releasing a dark purple glow, he transforms into the Satsui no Hado embodied, Oni, forcing Kahn to relinquish his hold on the Street Fighter. He blasts Shao Kahn, knocking him back. Growling with killing intent, Oni prepares his assault.


He charges headlong towards Kahn, landing multiple punches to the chest in rapid succession, before ending with a palm strike. He follows upward with a connected barrage of punches to his opponent's chest until Kahn summons his spear and slashes at the demon in club to repel him. Kahn charges forwards in an attempt to impale his foe, but Oni leaps into the air to shoot forth multiple Gouhadokens. Under this barrage, Kahn struggles until he activates his Emperor's Shield, repelling one of the projectiles, correct towards Oni's shocked confront.

Every bit Oni lands, Kahn once again attempts to spear him, which the demonic martial artist avoids. Some other attempt is foiled as Oni delivers a spiritually charged palm strike that sends Kahn flying. Capitalizing on his opponent's vulnerability, he flies frontward.


Oni punches Kahn square in the chest, impaling him on the end of his fist and then delivers a Shoryuken that knocks Kahn's helmet off. As the Emperor and his captain lay in the sand, Oni lands swiftly, turning to his opponent while growling ferociously. Kahn stands to his feet, casually removing the remnants of viscera from the gaping pigsty in his breast.

Oni: Die!

The demon readies his near devastating move, the Shun Goku Satsu, and advances on Kahn. The Konquerer'southward attempt to swing his hammer is foiled every bit Oni knocks it away. Brilliant red kanji surrounds Oni and the screen turns blackness, just occasionally flashing to evidence the Raging Demon striking Kahn with a swift barrage of blows, intent on catastrophe him in one case and for all. Equally Oni readies his final punch, Kahn of a sudden catches the demon's fist in his paw.

Shao Kahn: Feel the wrath... of SHAO KAHN!!

Kahn glows a sinister green as he calls upon the full extent of his ability. Summoning his Wrath Hammer from the heaven, Kahn rips Oni's left arm off, causing him to yell in pain. Kahn callously tosses aside the appendage earlier shouldering Oni, knocking him to the ground, while his hammer flies into the demon's confront with a crunch, causing him farther pain. Not wasting any time, Kahn summons it back to hand before bringing it down on Oni's face, destroying the demon'due south head and leaving a encarmine mess on the camera.

Surrounded by ethereal green flames, the Konquerer of Worlds turns his back to the fallen martial artist and lifts his hammer in victory, issuing ane final taunt.

Shao Kahn: Flawless Victory!

Ko season 3.png


We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: Now that's what I telephone call a Fatality!

Wiz: With the ability of the Satsui no Hado, Akuma was a unique challenge for Shao Kahn.

Boomstick: Yeah, like how he resisted Necalli suggests Kahn couldn't have only yanked his soul abroad so easy.

Wiz: And Akuma's level of power was nothing to scoff at, either.

Boomstick: Akuma's biggest hits were way stronger than you'd think, diggings apart meteors and making explosions seen from infinite. But Kahn's survived blasts from beings even more powerful than that, like the Elder Gods, who can grow to the size of planets. And remember Blaze? He could destroy all the realms, and even did in one of his endings.

Wiz: And while Blaze'due south story ending isn't canon to the Mortal Kombat universe in and of itself, it is all the same an example of what could happen in catechism.

Boomstick: And Kahn whooped that ruby-red hot donkey!

Wiz: While nosotros practise non take an exact time frame for Blaze'southward destruction of the realms, destroying Earthrealm solitary would require at least overcoming World's gravitational binding energy, or near 47.8 zettatons of TNT.

Boomstick: Over 300 million times the ability of the teraton explosion from Akuma's lineup.

Wiz: And continue in heed, when Kahn merges realms, he is literally morphing an entire planet into Outworld itself. This means it makes sense he could defeat Bonfire, because he already commands a similar level of ability.

Boomstick: But I know what y'all're thinking, "What about the Raging Demon, Akuma's crawly finishing movement? Shao Kahn has racked upward more than than plenty sin in his time for it to totally murder his soul".

Wiz: There was always a possibility that Akuma would go a lucky hit in with the Shun Goku Satsu. All the same, given Kahn can proceed up with the likes of Elder Gods and their space lasers, he can certainly continue pace with Akuma.

Boomstick: And sure, Kahn's an arrogant son of a bowwow, simply he knows when to get serious. If his arrogance was that big of an issue, he wouldn't have conquered so many realms.

Wiz: Both Akuma and Kahn were among the all-time of the all-time in their respective worlds, but this friction match ultimately came downwardly to who would country their killing blow first.

Nosotros cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Wiz: Shao Kahn'south overwhelming power, mystical abilities, and treacherous strategies were enough to claim this victory.

Boomstick: Outworld'southward emperor was the "oni" one who could surpass Akuma.

Wiz: The winner is Shao Kahn.

Original Rail

Satsui no Sekai.jpeg

The track for this fight is "Satsui no Sekai" by Brandon Yates. Information technology is a synth-based rail with intense percussion, with a choir and chants throughout it and occasionally featuring electrical guitar.

The title is Japanese for "World of Murder", being a combination of Akuma's Satsui no Hado (殺意の波動), meaning "Surge of Murderous Intent", and Sekai ( 世界 ), pregnant "globe", possibly referencing Outworld.

The cover art depicts Shao Kahn's helmet with Akuma'due south "heaven" kanji on it. In that location are too light-green lights in the groundwork, likely depicting souls from Mortal Kombat.



  • The connections between Akuma and Shao Kahn is that both are some of the strongest, nearly difficult, and most unfair final bosses in fighting game history, with powers relating to attacking their opponents' souls and an extremely ambitious fighting way. Both are responsible for the (apparent) death of 1 of the chief protagonists' parental figures (Akuma killed Ryu's master Gouken and Shao Kahn murdered Kitana's father before replacing him) and too one time had like positions to one of the protagonists of their serial (Akuma was a student of Goutetsu along with Gouken, who was Ryu's master, while Shao Kahn was assigned equally protector of Outworld by the Elder Gods, similarly to Raiden protecting Earthrealm), with their turns to evil being notably marked by the murder of someone they once served (Goutetsu and Onaga, respectively). Both are likewise known for being instigators of conflicts (Akuma actively seeks out worthy opponents, and Shao Kahn is a warlord) and have made their debut in the 2d game of their respective franchise in the 1990s.
    • Both have also fought another adversary from the rivaling serial (Shang Tsung and Grand. Bison, respectively) in previous episodes of DEATH Battle! and won.
      • Interestingly, both are the start characters from their respective series to win, and both have defeated their previous opponents in the second episode of their respective seasons. Coincidentally, this episode is the 152nd of the serial overall.

Easter Eggs

  • At the kickoff of the fight, Akuma does the Raging Demon on one of the opponents that were almost to fight, interrupting the boxing that was virtually to happen, which is a reference to Akuma´southward starting time advent in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, where he does the Raging Demon confronting Yard. Bison before the match starts and then fights the histrion.
  • The bonebreaker that Shao Kahn pulls off on Shin Akuma is similar to what he did to Kotal Kahn in the Story Mode of Mortal Kombat 11 and to ane of his Krushing Blows in gameplay.
    • Following up on this assault into a combo, Shao Kahn immediately performs his X-Ray move "It's Official" from Mortal Kombat (2011), merely without the hammer strike at the first of the move.
    • Furthermore, Akuma impaling Shao Kahn through his chest is probable a reference to Mortal Kombat (2011)'s story mode where Liu Kang does the same to him, seemingly killing him but to reveal that he had survived the encounter.


  • When Boomstick begins to sing the Mortal Kombat theme, Wiz comments that they don't have licensing rights for the song, despite Death Battle and Mortal Kombat both sharing the same company (WarnerMedia).
  • Shao Kahn ironically declares a Flawless Victory later on killing Akuma, despite the real mechanic in Mortal Kombat significant a victory without taking whatsoever damage.


  • This is the 16th Fighting Games-themed episode, afterwards Akuma VS Shang Tsung, Felicia VS Taokaka, Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui, Shao Kahn VS G. Bison, Ivy VS Orchid, Fulgore VS Sektor, Ryu VS Scorpion, Ragna VS Sol Badguy, Cammy VS Sonya, Ken VS Terry, Sub-Zero VS Glacius, Balrog VS TJ Philharmonic, Ryu VS Jin, Sabrewulf VS Jon Talbain, and Heihachi Mishima VS Geese Howard.
  • This is the fifth Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat-themed episode, after Akuma VS Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn VS M. Bison, Ryu VS Scorpion, and Cammy VS Sonya.
    • This is the fourth time Mortal Kombat wins, subsequently Shao Kahn VS M. Bison, Ryu VS Scorpion, and Cammy VS Sonya.
  • This is the 26th episode to characteristic a returning combatant, afterwards Zitz VS Leonardo, Batman VS Captain America, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Goku VS Superman 2, Pokémon VS Digimon, Mewtwo VS Shadow, Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie, Metal Sonic VS Cypher, Thor VS Wonder Woman, Blackness Panther VS Batman, Ryu VS Jin, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Mega Human Battle Royale, Helm Curiosity VS Shazam, Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla, Ganondorf VS Dracula, Deadpool VS Mask, Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman, Venom VS Crona, Hulk VS Broly, Shadow VS Ryuko, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, Link VS Cloud (2021), and Batman VS Iron Human being, and with the side by side 1 being Thor VS Vegeta.
    • This is the 17th episode to feature a returning winner, after Zitz VS Leonardo, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Goku VS Superman 2, Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie, Metal Sonic VS Goose egg, Thor VS Wonder Woman, Black Panther VS Batman, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Ganondorf VS Dracula, Deadpool VS Mask, Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman, Venom VS Crona, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, Link VS Cloud (2021), and Batman VS Iron Man, and with the side by side one being Thor VS Vegeta.
      • This is the seventh time that a returning winner wins, later Zitz VS Leonardo, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Goku VS Superman ii, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, and Batman VS Iron Man.
      • This is the 11th time that a returning winner loses, after Metal Sonic VS Null, Thor VS Wonder Adult female, Black Panther VS Batman, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Ganondorf VS Dracula, Deadpool VS Mask, Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, Venom VS Crona, Link VS Cloud (2021), and Batman VS Iron Man.
    • This is the ninth episode to feature two returning combatants, after Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Goku VS Superman 2, Thor VS Wonder Woman, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, Link VS Cloud (2021), and Batman VS Iron Human being, and with the next one beingness Thor VS Vegeta.
      • This is the 5th episode to non be a rematch, after Thor VS Wonder Woman, Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, Lex Luthor VS Md Doom, and Batman VS Atomic number 26 Human.
  • This is the 19th Villains-themed episode, after Akuma VS Shang Tsung, Goomba VS Koopa, Eggman VS Wily, Shao Kahn VS M. Bison, Fulgore VS Sektor, Darth Vader VS Physician Doom, Bowser VS Ganon, Joker VS Sweet Tooth, Venom VS Bane, Shredder VS Argent Samurai, Sephiroth VS Vergil, Ultron VS Sigma, Thanos VS Darkseid, Ganondorf VS Dracula, The Seven Battle Royale, Lex Luthor VS Md Doom, Heihachi Mishima VS Geese Howard, and Goku Black VS Reverse-Wink, with the next three being Madara VS Aizen, Harley Quinn VS Jinx, and Galactus VS Unicron.
DEATH Boxing Episodes
Season 1 1 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010) • two Akuma VS Shang Tsung • 3 Rogue VS Wonder Woman • 4 Goomba VS Koopa • five Haggar VS Zangief • 6 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale • seven Zitz VS Leonardo • 8 Yoshi VS Riptor • nine Felicia VS Taokaka • 10 Kratos VS Spawn • 11 Bomberman VS Dig Dug • 12 Vegeta VS Shadow • 13 Mario VS Sonic (2011) • xiv Justin Bieber VS Rebecca Black • 14.5 DEATH Boxing! vs The World • xv Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter • 16 Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui • 17 Starscream VS Rainbow Dash • 18 Master Chief VS Doomguy • 19 Eggman VS Wily • 20 Zelda VS Peach • 21 Thor VS Raiden • 22 Link VS Cloud (2012) • 23 Batman VS Spider-Man • 24 Pikachu VS Blanka • 25 Goku VS Superman
Season 2 26 He-Homo VS King of beasts-O • 27 Shao Kahn VS Grand. Bison • 28 Ryu Hayabusa VS Strider Hiryu • 29 Ivy VS Orchid • xxx Fox McCloud VS Bucky O'Hare • 31 Terminator VS RoboCop • 32 Luigi VS Tails • 32.v Vegeta VS Mewtwo? • 33 Pokémon Battle Royale • 34 Fulgore VS Sektor • 35 Godzilla VS Gamera • 36 Batman VS Captain America • 37 Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon • 38 Ryu VS Scorpion • 39 Deadpool VS Deathstroke • 40 Kirby VS Majin Buu • 41 Ragna VS Sol Badguy • 42 Gaara VS Toph • 43 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015) • 44 Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro • 45 Guts VS Nightmare • 46 Iron Man VS Lex Luthor • 47 Fauna VS Goliath • 48 Solid Ophidian VS Sam Fisher • 49 Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom • 50 Goku VS Superman two • 51 Donkey Kong VS Knuckles • 52 Wolverine VS Raiden • 53 Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki • 54 Yang VS Tifa • 55 Mega Man VS Astro Boy • 56 Light-green Pointer VS Hawkeye • 57 Pokémon VS Digimon
Season three 58 Dante VS Bayonetta • 59 Bowser VS Ganon • 60 Ratchet & Clank VS Jak & Daxter • 61 Flash VS Quicksilver • 62 Joker VS Sugariness Molar • 63 Mewtwo VS Shadow • 64 Meta VS Carolina • 65 Cammy VS Sonya • 66 Tracer VS Scout • 67 Ken VS Terry • 68 Amy Rose VS Ramona Flowers • 69 Hulk VS Doomsday • lxx Zoro VS Erza • 71 Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie
Flavour 4 72 Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake • 73 Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight • 74 Venom VS Blight • 75 Ability Rangers VS Voltron • 76 Natsu VS Ace • 77 Sub-Zero VS Glacius • 78 Android 18 VS Captain Marvel • 79 Metal Sonic VS Nix • 80 Lucario VS Renamon • 81 Balrog VS TJ Combo • 82 Shredder VS Silver Samurai • 83 Smokey Behave VS McGruff the Offense Domestic dog • 84 Thor VS Wonder Woman • 85 Naruto VS Ichigo • 86 Batman Beyond VS Spider-Human 2099 • 87 Sephiroth VS Vergil
Season 5 88 Black Panther VS Batman • 89 Raven VS Twilight Sparkle • 90 Jotaro VS Kenshiro • 91 Crash VS Spyro • 92 Sora VS Pit • 93 Leon Kennedy VS Frank West • 94 Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate • 95 Ryu VS Jin • 96 Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai • 97 Carnage VS Lucy • 98 Optimus Prime number VS Gundam • 99 Nightwing VS Daredevil • 100 Mario VS Sonic (2018) • 101 Ultron VS Sigma • 102 Roshi VS Jiraiya • 103 Thanos VS Darkseid
Season 6 104 Aquaman VS Namor • 105 Mega Man Battle Royale • 106 Black Widow VS Widowmaker • 107 Captain Marvel VS Shazam • 108 Wario VS King Dedede • 109 Ben 10 VS Green Lantern • 110 Weiss VS Mitsuru • 111 Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon • 112 Aang VS Edward Elric • 113 Ghost Rider VS Lobo • 114 Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla • 115 Sasuke VS Hiei • 116 Ganondorf VS Dracula • 117 Mob VS Tatsumaki • 118 Deadpool VS Mask • 119 All Might VS Might Guy
Flavor 7 120 Miles Morales VS Static • 121 Blackness Canary VS Sindel • 122 Leonardo VS Ruddy Ranger Jason • 123 Genos VS Armed forces • 124 Gray VS Esdeath • 125 Goro VS Machamp • 126 Cable VS Booster Gold • 127 Obi-Wan Kenobi VS Kakashi • 128 Danny Phantom VS American Dragon Jake Long • 129 She-Ra VS Wonder Adult female • 130 Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia • 131 Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki • 132 Wink VS Sonic • 132.5 The 7 Battle Royale • 133 Wintertime Soldier VS Red Hood • 134 Venom VS Crona • 135 Sabrewulf VS Jon Talbain • 136 Red VS Blue • 137 Batgirl VS Spider-Gwen • 138 Sanji VS Rock Lee • 139 Hulk VS Broly
Season 8 140 Yoda VS King Mickey • 141 Shadow VS Ryuko • 142 Lex Luthor VS Doc Doom • 143 Heihachi Mishima VS Geese Howard • 144 Blake VS Mikasa • 145 Iron Fist VS Po • 146 Steven Universe VS Star Butterfly • 147 Link VS Cloud (2021) • 148 Batman VS Iron Man • 149 Goku Black VS Reverse-Wink • 150 Macho Man VS Kool-Aid Man • 151 DIO VS Alucard • 152 Akuma VS Shao Kahn153 Korra VS Storm • 154 Madara VS Aizen • 155 Saitama VS Popeye
Season 9 156 Harley Quinn VS Jinx • 157 Crimson Witch VS Zatanna • 158 Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar • 159 Thor VS Vegeta* • ??? Tetsuo VS ???* • ??? Boba Fett VS ???*
Unknown ??? Galactus VS Unicron* • ??? Blood-red VS Maka* • ??? Mickey VS Bugs* • ??? Wiz VS Boomstick*
*Currently unreleased


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