
Dead Simple Trick Brings Any Battery to Life Again Never Buy Batteries Again

Benefits of Epsom Salt Pb Acid Battery Reconditioning

You can experience a few benefits from reconditioning your one-time batteries. Below are some of the essential benefits you lot tin take.

Huge Price Savings
Reconditioning your car batteries allows you lot to avert shelling out huge coin for a brand new jail cell. The standard 12V car battery costs around $50 to $120, while the expensive brands are betwixt $90 to $200. By reconditioning, you can relieve around 25 to 50 percent of the retail cost.

Earn a few bucks
How many of your neighbors take erstwhile car batteries that are non damaged just are still functional? Say, you accept 10 of them. A brand new battery would toll effectually $100, just if you recondition their batteries and charge them almost $20 to $l. You will earn around $200 to $500 for all 10 of them. That is already good money.

Past learning the concepts of battery reconditioning Epsom salt, you lot tin can start your ain business organisation and earn a decent profit.

Reduce Waste
There are millions of car owners all over the U.s.a.. If all of them would replace their old car cells, then that is around 1million lead-acid battery waste for disposal. To help minimize this waste matter, reconditioning your 12V car cells will be a good practice.

Tips and Warnings

I ever prioritize safety amid all things, precisely when dealing with chemicals. Delight behave in mind that battery solutions are acidic and they incorporate traces of lead metal. These chemicals are harmful to our wellness and the environs.

Automobile battery solutions are generally fabricated upwards of sulfuric acrid, which is highly corrosive and generates some fumes which yous must not inhale. To protect yourself, wearable the proper safety attire, that is, goggles, gloves, and apron.

When doing the reconditioning process, make certain you are in a well-ventilated area with an available supply of water. Likewise, avoid straight pouring out the old electrolyte solution as it might splatter everywhere and in your clothes.

How to Recondition a One-time Battery with Epsom Salt

We are now in the reconditioning proper, and you have to prepare the required materials for this process. Here are the materials and tools y'all need to make beforehand.

Materials and Tools

  1. Epsom salt
  2. Baking soda
  3. Distilled water
  4. An onetime or new toothbrush
  5. Steel wool or sandpaper (optional)
  6. Voltmeter
  7. Bucket
  8. Battery load tester
  9. Battery reconditioning charger
  10. Goggles
  11. Gloves
  12. Apron
  13. Flathead screwdriver
  14. funnel


Pace 1Wear your protective safety attire – gloves, frock, and goggles.

Footstep 2Remove the battery from your car and place it on your working table.

STEP threeRemove the corrosion in the battery terminals. Prepare a baking soda (two parts) and distilled water solution (ane part). The resulting solution is sticky and paste-like.

Footstep 4Go your toothbrush and dip it into the blistering soda solution. So brush the battery terminals to remove the corrosion.

Footstep vWIf the corrosion is difficult to remove, use steel wool or sandpaper.

Footstep 6Later, remove the battery caps using a flat head screw and place information technology in one container to avert losing them.

STEP 7Gently tilt the battery and cascade the one-time electrolyte solution in your saucepan.

Footstep 8Depending on the volume of the battery solution, yous can cascade 1 lb of baking soda into the saucepan to neutralize the acid.

Step ixYous can prepare another baking soda (one part) and distilled water solution (ane part). Use your funnel, and pour some volume in each cell. Return and shut back all battery caps, and milk shake the bombardment for thirty seconds to 1 minute. In this fashion, the lead sulfate solids in the plates are dissolved. Yous can practise this process twice. Remove the battery caps, and pour out the solution into the aforementioned bucket.

STEP ten Preparation of the Epsom salt battery solution

  • Estrus 1/2quart of distilled water to 66 degrees Celsius. We practise this to ensure all salts are dissolved after while mixing.
  • Dissolve 7 to viii ounce of Epsom salt into the warm distilled water and stir until completely dissolved.
    Yous can repeat the process if non all cells in the battery are filled with the new electrolyte solution.

Stride xiEmploy your funnel, and pour the prepared Epsom salt solution into each cell of your car battery.

Footstep 12Return and secure the battery caps back into your auto bombardment.

STEP 13Connect your battery charger to the 12V car battery, and put it in slow charge style 12V/2amp. Let it charge for 12 to 24 hours.

STEP 14After charging, mensurate the voltage of the bombardment using a voltmeter. A battery that is in full chapters and good condition will accept a reading of 12.4V to 12.43V.

STEP 15If the battery did not reach that voltage reading, you demand to discharge the battery and recharge it once more fairly.

Pace xviPlace the battery in a load examination. Y'all can buy a battery load tester from any hardware store. It comes at an affordable price simply.

Battery Reconditioning Guide for Beginners

Epsom Salt Battery Myth

I even so hear some rumors about the Epsom salt battery myth, and if it works for reconditioning. Here, I have a few ideas on why information technology works in bringing dorsum the life of your car battery.

Epsom salt has the chemic name Magnesium sulfate. This salt has many applications, and its food form make is used for cooking. During the reconditioning process, ane thing that must exist remedied is the sulfation in the plates.

Sulfation happens when the solid lead sulfate builds around the bombardment plates inside. Epsom table salt or Magnesium sulfate solution is capable of softening these solid salts.

Magnesium sulfate and pb sulfate undergoes a single replacement reaction. Magnesium metal is more reactive than atomic number 82, so it is capable of replacing information technology in the plates. Take annotation; Magnesium sulfate is highly soluble in water. With this, lead metal is gradually restored and removed around the plates.

Overall, the Epsom salt solution helps in the desulfation process and serves as a good conductor for current.

Frequently Asked Questions

I also included a few FAQs regarding the topic for more insights.

What is a suitable voltage for charging car batteries?

You can charge your automobile batteries with voltages higher than 12V – e.g., 15V. However, you demand to have close monitoring to avert overcharging, and it must not accomplish 100%total capacity.

Meanwhile, if you plan to leave it for charging, then the suitable float voltage is 13.6V to thirteen.8V.

Afterward starting the engine, how long do you think until the battery recharges?

A general answer for this is effectually 8 to 99 seconds later starting the engine.

When practice yous add water to your battery? After or Before charging?

Typically, you need to add the water before charging the battery. During the charging procedure, bubbles are created, which helps mix water and battery acid.

At what voltage level exercise you consider your battery to empty?

If the voltage reading of your bombardment is below 10V, then you consider it empty or fully discharged.

How much is Epsom common salt required to rebuild a battery?

Yous have to make a mixture of 4 ounces of Epsom common salt and four cups of water. Now you lot have to stir both the ingredients so that the h2o becomes articulate and transparent. Now, you tin employ this solution in your battery. Thus, as an reply to the question, a single battery will require 4 ounces of Epsom salt.

Can I put aspirin in the battery to work?

Yes, you may use aspirin to make your bombardment work. But, brand sure to put only two aspirin tablets in the solution. Likewise, proceed in mind that using aspirin in the battery to arrive work temporarily can reduce the life of the prison cell in the long run.

How to desulfate the battery?

For this, you need to take a battery charger that comes with the avant-garde desulfate mode. Now, let information technology set up in charge, and you can observe the battery getting charged at its highest voltage. Thereafter information technology volition get to its disulfate way.

Wrap Up

Give thanks you for reading through the whole section of my article. I hope I was able to share good ideas about the topic. There are so many things to gain from reconditioning batteries.

For a more than in-depth discussion on reconditioning other batteries, y'all can check out Ez Bombardment Review as they provide flexible courses about it. They take first-class learning materials, and the teacher is available at all times if you lot need whatever assist.

The learnings yous become from these courses can exist applied and made profitable if you like. I accept other manufactures that you tin can cheque out for more information.


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